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Interested in space and the way our minds wander, Head in the Stars began to form in my mind. I found it interesting how we often speak about encompassing thoughts as states where our minds have drifted far out of reach. Often idioms like 'spacing out' or having your 'head in the clouds' have a negative connotation attached to them. However, in those ungrounded moments of free thinking and imagination, I find that some of the best thinking happens. In those free moments, any idea or any solution can be reached no matter if it's amongst the clouds or floating off in space. In one of those moments, the malaphor of 'head in the stars' really began to take hold. So I took the idea into Maya and modeled an astronaut’s helmet and stars. But I didn't want to just model the malaphor, I wanted to portray the mentality. Thus the stars were animated to come out of the helmet, just the same way that the best ideas come out of the free and 'spaced out' mind. 

Head in the Stars

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